With around 4 years of experience as a Cloud Engineer, I have hands-on experience in Kubernetes, OpenStack, and, Docker and I am familiar with Ansible, Python, and ONAP. I have worked as an OpenStack administrator for 3 years at ToobaTech Company as a part-time OpenStack administrator, and for 2 years as a full-time Cloud Engineer at MCI (Hamrah Aval) R&D Department. At MCI, besides deployment and administration of our Kubernetes clusters, I worked with ONAP to deploy an E2E slicing scenario and have familiarized myself with 5G Core components and ORAN. I’m always enthusiastic to learn new things in IaaS, PaaS, and 5G. You would find me hard-working, well-motivated, and determined.
As a Cloud Administrator in the R&D department of MCI (the leading mobile operator in Iran), I had the following responsibilities:
- Deploying ONAP and learning about its modules
- Successfully deployed the cFW and Apache use cases on Kubernetes
- Learning 5G core components by deploying Free5GC and using URANSIM, VPP, OVN and OVS to deploy deploy E2E scenario
- Deploy and Administration of Kubernetes cluster:
- Used Kubeadm to deploy clusters
- Automated the Docker Images creation from Docker files and deployed the Docker containers in Kubernetes.
- Troubleshooted errors
- Deploy and Administration of Esxi cluster
- Deploy and Administration of Ceph clusters:
- Used Rook to install Ceph as Storage Class of Kubernetes
- Troubleshooted errors
- Deploy and Administration of Openshift cluster:
- Installed user-provisioned HA clusters by using PXE
- Learn and deploy new technologies in IaaS and PaaS:
- Deployed and researched about Kubeflow as our AI platform on our GPU cluster
- Deployed OpenFaas and Knative to check their capabalities as a FaaS platform
- Deployed and learned Thingsboard:
- Check its capabilities as an IOT platform
- Wrote python script to send data to the platform
- Project manager of Software-Defined Storage project:
- Reviewed companies and their teams that participated in this tender
- Helped in writting the RFP
- Reviewed the WBS of the project
- Reviewed the LOP and LOS delivered by contractor
I was in charge of deploying and writing DockerFile for several of GPU-based AI applications.
As an OpenStack Administrator I had the following responsibilities:
- Deploy and Administration of OpenStack clusters:
- I have experience working with the following modules: Nova, Glance, Cinder, Neutron
- Deployed the cluster with Packstack
- troubleshooted errors
- Deploy and Administration of Gluster clusters:
- Used Gluster as the backend of Cinder service
- Designed the architecture
- Worked on System Monitoring using Check_MK (a Nagios extention).
- Wrote a plugin in Bash script for calculating Openstack services failure rate.
- Learning and deploying new technologies in IaaS and Paas (CloudFoundry, Jenkins, …)